Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm… 430 rooms and yours…… out of all the other room options just happened to be singled out at a time when all...
Just counted 168 people on the April roll call......while we are there......12 arriving the same day as us???????.......that's alot of new names...
Dam we have been to temptations 12 times......I haven't paid that much attention to my surrounds generally due to indulgence of intoxicants...
Okay had a weird but interesting idea/thought. Who would be interested in this.......while you are on your vacation week you try to recognize...
You mean for your "head" this?????[ATTACH]
Okay just finished shoveling........two feet of snow....:(.... in order to get the vehicles out of the driveway.......... Come on April...
Just booked April 21st-28th....Now it seems far away but gets closer by the day.........So anticipating a week of fun and sun....Drinks on us!!
Zohan and Mama April 21st-28th Group - 2 of us. Boobs Cruise - maybe Looking forward to another fun in the sun vacation at...
XXXMAS trip...Dec guys haveany plans to get away this year or spring
Can`t wait for the christmas VACAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dec 18-24th
Looks like we are going to miss you guys again this year....
Zohan & Mama Rockin' Temptations March 26-April 5th
Hey guys.. heading back early April for 9-10 days. How about you?
Hey Guys! We are going to miss seeing you at temptations this year.... :( We are visiting March 19-31st...have fun! Jess and Shawn
Zohan & Mama visiting Temptations March 19-31st! Can't wait!
Zohan & Mama are back to Temptations March 19th-31st, 2014!! :flagcanada:
Drinks are GOOOOOD!
Im sure we will see you guys around
We will be there!
Back again April 4-11th ;)