Coucou vous deux on se vois le 14.... PARTY TIME.....lolll
Here we come.... Yeahhhh.... Daniel & Manon
Hey hey ....happy to see you again this year ;)
Here we come .......yeahhhhh
From the 16 to 30 March
Hey gang just book for two friends of ours we introduce you desir3 their first trip to TTR and party people we told them how nice & fun all you...
tiens salut les amis y reste de moins en moins de dodo , allez voir sur le roll du 27 pour le boobs cruise vous allez voir un beau montage d'la...
Thank's Bob & Kim for the pics, it's remind us a great day, happy to see you guys again this year.
hey gang were back..... yes
boobs cruize Booking for 4 ..... check...... Yesssss :) Daniel & Manon Sophie & Steph.
your right its the 22 and we are going to be onbord with friends but happy to meet new friends for party :bj::mermaid:
good for the 26 for us too
Merci, ton français est très bon au plaisir de te rencontrer. Daniel et Manon
Welcome, wont be long to get addict to TTR you'll see hope to meet you guys at the sexy pool for a drink it's on my tab .... Lol We are there...
Tanks for your friend request hope to see you guys at the sexy pool for a drink in march (on my bill .... Lo) Daniel & Manon
thanks for the friend request, were going at TTR at the end of March (16-30) hope to see you guys at the sexy pool for a drink.
hi you guys looking foward to meet you both the only sad thing in this, is when you arrive we have to leave few days later..... bye bye Daniel &...
we are back from the 16 to 30 of march
Hey you guys ,booked to ttr from 16 to th 30 of marsh hope to see you there