They kept selling time share knowing they were closing just a matter of time before they rebrand the one in Cancun. We had to rebook, Jamaica...
we are planning on booking in Jamaica the hell with Temptation!
Temptation is pulling out of DR on Jan 15, we just cancelled and rebooked a trip elsewhere, this really sucks
We just cancelled our trip and are booking in Jamaica instead, too bad they are closing the resort!
We are curious about the vibe at Miches. We been to temptation in Cancun many many times and we are wondering if the vibe is similar. If you...
We will be there March 16-23. We been to TTR Cancun over 15 times but first time at Miches DR.
will miss you guys by one day, please warm up the place for us
Will be at Miche March 16-23, 2024 hope to see familiar faces and make new friends
will be at Miche during same time
hello maritimers we are from NB
hey guys been a long time, see you soon
nice people normally gravitate towards other nice people. Cheers!
Hey guys, long time no see! somehow we always go at the same time hahah. Great to see old friends again
please warm up the place for us hahahahah Have a fantastic vacation
wondering how many people booked for April 14th
See you all soon April 13-20
it does not matter to us if this is what you want to do, simply post your date so we can avoid you hahahahah
hey friends we will be there mid afternoon Thursday April 13 pm, looking forward to renew with old friends and hopefully make new one. We will...
see you all soon in paradise
Dan and Michelle here from NB, hope to have the opportunity to share a couple of drinks and laughs. Counting days to April