Thanks for the info! So Kimmiey was the backwoods ATV thing at xplor? Their ziplines look good from a search on Youtube, the caves could be cool...
My girlfriend and I will be at Temptation between Feb 10-17th and would like to know if anyone has any suggestions for good zip lining places?...
We used for about 1200 all in, but like everyone says in Canada most of the sites are very close in price. Would prefer Westjet as...
We will, probably this weekend, a picture IS worth a thousand words as they say :)
Just signed up for me and my girlfriend, looking forward to partying in the sun and surf with all of you!
Hi All, My girlfriend and I will be there as newbies from Feb 10-17, been to Mexico many times but never to Temptation...we're both really...
Hi, my girlfriend and I are a couple of newbies coming down to Temptation Feb 10-17 and would love to do the boobs cruise Feb 13th if there is...