Your underlying message is still what is important. Stay the F*CK home. We are asked to do this so that our healthcare system can respond to a...
Are you not a little to far if you need to take a step back?
I am on a fixed income and watch my spending to afford to go on vacations. My wife and I would like to experience the Boobs cruise at some...
Are the scary pineapples like a porcupine, a bunch of pricks sticking out?
How about these: TYR Swim Short/Resistance Short at [IMG]
Here is a person who custom makes top to bra size and bottoms to jean size. Canadian Flag Bikinis, red/white 3 styles made to your bra and jean...
topless not an option? Would mention it became a little annoying when management came out everyday and made the girls put their tops back on....
Read this, it might answer some questions.
Being we Canadians have a weak dollar and TTR rates seem to be rising, could the Sens be an alternative? I ask being I was surprised by diehards...
Is it our exchange rate only or is it that coupled with the price increase? Is the Oasis Sens a viable option to get topless, plus sun, sand and...
La vie en rose now carries a thong bikini bottom: as well Victoria Secrets carries a thong...
They are probably filling their room with members and referrals , and relying on the rich die hards to fill the remaining. People were bashing...
The room we had, also had the double shower and no door in front of the toilet. I realized the shower door swung out,so that it could be used to...
Just searched Expedia for Saskatoon-Cancun Thu. 14/04/16- Sun. 24/04/16 is $1693.35 PP. leaves S'toon 5:40am layover in Calgary 1h47m then Cancun...
would a thick coat of clear nail polish on the cut end of the band help alleviate the scratching? SW&TW
you could try La vie en rose. It can be pricey,but, it is good quality.La Vie en Rose Lingerie - Babydolls, Bustiers, Nighties, Teddies, Garters...
Not sure if this is a good price or not just thought pass it on.
What if You Got Caught With Your Pants Down, like Big Jack, though Hard As A Rock did not Sink The Pink,because Dirty Deeds Weren't Done Dirt...
How to Drink All Night Without Getting Drunk [IMG]Jim Koch knows beer. He also knows a beer trick that may change your life. By...