We missed you by a day. We were there over Cinco De Mayo. We will be at Desire in November.
Thanks for the comment
We were thinking the same until they were actually trying to get people to go to the other Desire and not the Pearl.
Definitely. We had a great time with you both and just wasn't enough. Great new avatar... much better. lol.
Sorry we missed you both. We went to Pearl the day you arrived.
That is awesome. We should have had everyone that played sign the raft.
We enjoyed meeting you both. Wished we had more time with you guys. Great trip report.
They asked people if they would transfer to the Pearl because TTR was overbooked. We decided to go for two days because we wanted to try it out...
It was a tough decision to go for the same reason. We wanted to hang out with you guys, flhx hog, trychaser, mwwk... but we wanted to try the...
We got transferrerd this trip. We went to the Pearl on Saturday. The Pearl was absolutely beautiful and we think we will be splitting our trips...
We just got back from our trip. We went to Temptations for 3 days and then Desire Pearl for 3 days and loved it. Not sure if we would do it the...
Sorry we missed it. We got transferred to another resort and it was about an hour away. Glad to hear it was a success as usual.
We will be there. Just at airport now.
On the plane in 6 hours. Drinking within 12 hrs.
You know it Steve. We look forward to partying with you on the boat again. :lotsofmichaelfs:
I figured I would post the congratulations to her here as she checks here more than her email. lol. Congratulations to turning in your last...
Congrats!!! We will celebrate when we arrive on Wednesday.
Are we still talking law? :icon_biggrin: barredpast participle, past tense of bar (Verb) Verb: Fasten (something, esp. a door or window)...
We are going to get a long great. Maybe beer pong will have to be the Libras verse the Capricorns. :ernaehrung024:
Lol... just make sure you come to the sexy pool after and not head straight to the bedroom for a nap. We will be patiently awaiting our first...