1 week to go from today, hope the resort sorts things out. But a vacation is what you make of it:doh::orangehat:
Hello Valentina, What happen to the 2 nights a week at Elevate Nightclub? Is that still on the books? Hope it can be implemented soon
Hi Trina, Do you know anything about Mexico Underwater Museum. Do you have any tours to go snorkeling on this site? We are heading to GOV on Jan...
Hope the party starts by the end of January. My wife is more of a follower than a leader when it comes to topless.
Captain Hook cruise Hello Valentina, On what night will the Captain Hook cruise be, and is the Sunset Cruise, that I was asked to book with...
January 27 to February5 Just booked the winter holiday. Let you know how it is after the vacation.:daveandmo: 2 couples trying adult only fun
Late departure What would be late departure arrangement (ie room to store luggage, fee to use facilites for a few hours? room to shower and...
Simcard Yes it gives you a phone #. But to use phonecalls and texting would be charged extra. I don't know how much. Some of the expat living in...
Telcel has several office. I happen to find one about 2 block from Walmart downtown. I saw several signs on the bus ride to Walmart.
When I was down in January, I went Telcel and bought a simcard 150 pesos and 1 gig of data good for 1 week 200 pesos. Used in my tablet. I had...
I talked to a security guard after the ambulance left. He said the man was conscious when they took him to hospital.
Had a blast! Interesting way to meet people and make friends. For newbies, try to do the boobs cruise at the beginning of your holiday, you'll...
At the airport, waiting for our flight. Will have time fo a couple of drinks before we meet.:ladiesman1:
Diego Bar on the 14th at 4pm. See you there. Nellie and Mike
How about: If you have a penis, you can display your nipples. but if you don't, they are bigger juicier and better. And are the envy of those who...
You sound like us change the names to Nellie and Mike and the date almost the same 12-20. Looking forward to meeting you all
August 11:Small cruise (5 days) New York Halifax and St John NB. Feb 11: Punta Cana D,R. Upcoming Temptation Jan 12
Boob Cruise Deposit for one payed. Wife afraid of water so going solo. Sounds like a lot of fun
Boobs Cruise for 1 if between Jan 14 to 19. Wife has bad motion sickness and afraid of blue water so leaves me solo. Even a cruise ship is too...
Been lurking around this thread and others. If I have half the fun you guys seem to be having. I'll consider the holiday a great success. First...