Just a flying visit to wish you a very "Merry Xmas and a happy 2013 "
Hasn`t been too bad here since we got back,cold but dry.Had to scrape thick frost off the car yesterday morning before i could drive it,first one...
Great to see you again,it was all over WAAAAY to quickly.Back to reality tomorrow for me,Anita went back to work last Tuesday.It`s cold and it`s...
Thank you ........... :¬D
Hi people. Rather stupidly,(on our side of things) ,we omitted to get any details of exactly who you were & how to find you in the crowd !!!!! DOH...
See you guys very soon ! We`re there tomorrow ;¬D Heading off to our overnight hotel accommodation an an hour or so,then fly out tomorrow am.. ATB...
:lotsofmichaelfs::wink3: But keep it to yourself ,huh ? Otherwise everyone will want some..........
Look at that ! Had an "upgrade",we`re now "Cancun Enthusiasts !"
Gettin` closer :¬D
Hang in there,it`ll be worth it :¬D
We had an email from him at the tail end of last week saying the same.Yup,not long now.I finish work on Oct 5th and go back on Nov 5th,first leave...
Look forward to our paths crossing in a few weeks time !
Ah,i see they`ve amended our dates to the actual ones now.Our 3rd visit in October this year. Also see you know Charlene,so we`ll probably run...
Hiya we are.14th - 28th.(Couple of days different to the roll call.)
It`s our 3rd time around,too.
Just head to the bar...........there`ll be plenty there ;¬D
We`ll be there..........somewhere in the crowd. What dates are you coming in ?
Hiya very nice to meet you :¬D
Change of dates Now heading in on Oct 14th - 28th.
Hiya we`ve pushed back our dates,now coming in on the 14th - 28th.All paid for and booked.....So bring it on ;¬D