guess we shall be the only ones there according to this site...........that may be cool
we will be at Secrets the Vine Apr 26-May 3, anyone else? Never been to this one before but it looks awfully good. :aktion033:
Can anyone tell us if there are coffee pots in the rooms at Secrets? Headed to the Vine Apr 26. Thanks
We will be there the same dates, Iowa here. Flying out of STL. We went last year in Feb, liked the place sooooo much we are going again but in...
Just booked GP today for April 7-14. First time we ever went back to a place we had stayed before. GP was great for the most part. Think there...
Think you should be good in Nov, Jan Feb are the worst bumping months from what I have seen and will love this place. We went...
You will love it. GP is great, we just got back the 23 Feb, go to Trip Advisor and read my review. Take spray suntan lotion, it is 26-28 bucks...
Gp 6-23 2012 we were just there, did not see one topless, couple thongs and a couple guys in speedos but that was it. I have heard both ways so...
16-23 Feb we arrive the 16th and leave the 23rd so we may see you there.:icon_lol:
We arrive the 16th we get in late morning the 16th so maybe catch your a day or two. :clappyinghappy:
:announce: Heard there are 3 HOOTERS in Cancun area, just curious how good the food is there and if they are worth going to. Headed down Feb...
Fun Jet We are going in Feb next year and I just went to Orbitz and found it to be more than what we paid through Fun Jet and we have non stop...
Looking for Ya :clappyinghappy: we are looking forward to it..........
Will be at GP 02-16 through 02-23. Who else shall be there at that time? Lets Party. :crab: