Paid $750 for 8 nights and airfare from st louis for $1200. We are members so the price there are a great price but the airfare could be better :/
What time does your flight get in?? We come in tomorrow too!
Just paid our deposit!!
Making our deposit in the morning!! Hopefully there is more alcohol infused whipped cream on board :)
Put us down for 2 on the 16th!!
Oct 12 through the 19
I am wondering if they will keep some sort of jacuzzi party still in effect? I know letting in the locals will be a no no but that jacuzzi party...
Oh dont pay that much!! When you get to the hotel just go out the front doors, go right and there you will see a telephone pole by the bus stop....
Hey guys, whatever happens do NOT let them bump you to Desire Pearl!! We were just there thank god for only 2 days out of our 8 day trip. We...
We just got back from TTR and it was nice. We actually went there 6 out of our 8 nights as the other2 were at Desire Pearl which I will get to...
Do not go to this place!! We just ame back from there and we regret it big time!! We had our vacation for Temptations, but decided to take our...
We are here but can't seem to find anyone looking...Does anyone have an orange bracelet on to help us recognize who they are??
Just checked in to airport, boarding passes are printed, we are ready to go tomorrow!!!
Mango mojitos are good..not super sweet....also, one of my favorites...pineapple, malibu coconut rum and cranberry. Also, for shots...try a...
Thinking of making some jello shots while there?? Bring some jello packets, find some hot water and alcohol to mix and chill in the frig...then...
what days are you guys going? we have 5 more days!! so excited lol
Maybe shes pregnant?? lol Sorry, bad joke! lol I never heard of anything like that...But let me know how that all goes...curious..Always had that...
16 more days and we will be in a much needed relaxation mode!!
I say you take some bunny or egg stickers and pass them out to the ladies and men to wear on their bodies....and then the object is to collect the...
Im going to email them this week to ask these questions about possibly fishing off the yacht..if this isnt possible, then Im sure we can arrange...