Would love to, but alas some health issues have come up over last couple of months and drinking on a boat all day is off the cards for us...
It's illegal, and it's a risk. A silly rule, but nothing we can do about that. Yeah you might get through without getting checked, or you might...
My guess is the theme nights are now more than ever shoehorned in to fit the show, and maybe more so influences the music that night for some of...
Spot-on with the Vegas comparison. It certainly feels like it's catering to a different crowd these days. The influencer crowd. Photographs for...
Someone needs to win the mega millions and buy up a property on Isla Mujeres!
Still remember I found this board simply searching on Google for what jellyfish are like in Cancun, because was planning a trip here in 2011 and...
I swear, when it's nearing a month on my return to TTR I'm gonna post a photo labelled 'photo for attention' that will be something completely...
Yeah I know I should 'get with the times' but dang I miss 10 years ago the chatter here for each month would be constant, on dates, outfits, life....
November 29th to December 9th Trish & Russ Boobs Cruise: Yep!
We visited Vegas in March this year. Sorry can't comment on TTR-vibe stuff but just wanted to say, VEGAS IS AWESOME! Full of people with the same...
This sums up pretty much how I felt on my first trip! Glad you had fun!
My next birthday aligns with a Boobs Cruise!
$24!?! Yeah that sounds pricey. Visited Vegas for the first time this year! Epic trip but yeah can get a bit pricey. Out savings took about £2k...
I'm a big woman. Trying to do something about it, but struggling this year. Lost 60lbs last year, gained 30 this year. It's a disease and...
I've overtipped once, when a waitress was leaving for another job. She went above and beyond with our group and deserved it. I tip for everything...
I wish they'd keep a calendar with takeover dates. Of course they won't because they want the hotel full whether there's a takeover or not. Last...
They've got their agenda, a target audience they're trying to appeal to. Always have really I think. It changes maybe a bit over time but right...
Agreed. We were thinking of doing a hotel zone trip out next trip. Any downsides you found?
It bugs me. The music at night has always been a mixed bag, but it's not even tolerable last few years. I sucked it up before, you're with friends...
I wish they'd just introduce a smoking area policy in Mexico. You could have 1 by the beach, 1 by the quiet pool and 1 by Bash - everywhere else...