We fly out in 12 hours, getting last minute things done before we set out YAY!!!
Is it Thursday yet? We leave bright and early Thursday morning for 5 days of fun and sun! Can't wait!
We are down to 15 days, I'm so excited I may start packing today! :partytime:
We will be there the 15-20th. Ready to party!
This seems to be my kind of party and boy am I ready to party... 37 days to go!!!!!
Thanks! We are getting very antsy to board that plane to Mexico! We will look for you at the pool.
We are excited to meet all the awesome people on here! We will look for you for sure!
We LOVE Nashville, it's a great place to live. Congrats on your upcoming wedding, you will be ready to unwind by the time you get down there. I...
I will work on it :) My Kiddos are going to stay a week with the grandparenIs so I will have nothing but time coming up :)
We are so excited!!! Our friends who are coming too have been there once before but its our first trip. We are celebrating our 10th anniversary...
We are newbies coming Sept 15-20 with our friends who came last year and told us we had to come check it out. Very excited!