Dates: Dec 12 - 16 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Maybe
3 DAYS and counting!!!!!!!
Dress any way you like and don't worry about it...... Have fun, relax, have a few drinks and party on!!!!!!
9 days and counting......
12 days and counting!!!!!
July 17-21..... ready for all theme night except devils/angels night. Thoughts on typical clothing ideas?
Both Teach and ready to escape home for a while!!!
20 days and counting for us.......
Is the couples sensual massage as good as it used to be????
Counting down the days. Momma's ta ta's are about to get some sun!!!! First time back since the renovations, should be another great trip. 17th-21st.
o yea We would push you in a heartbeat
one week away baby!!!!!!on the beach for some fun and sun, can't wait!!!!!
we will be there the 10th -the 14th. Hope to see you there!!!!!
see everyone there!!!!!! can't wait Lana and Preston (OK)
see you there: leaving the 14th so hope we see you your first day. L/P
see you guys there!!!!!
sounds great: should be a great experience!!!! can't wait Lana & Preston (OK)
:icon_cool:can't wait, counting down the days. it all sounds so fun.
we will be there the 10th-14th for a quick getaway then back to the grind of work. what can we look forward to?????this will be our first time to...
first timer. not sure what theme nights are????