steves right! thanks steve youre right im sorry if i seem a little overanxious to help someone i dont even know . i think its probably kinda like...
im glad you made it ok there are several nice italian furniture stores in town. ! remember if you need any physical help with anything .im chompin...
Driver/Assistant hello well tomorrow you get here! and its not LIKE walking into something new it IS something new the new shining jewel of...
actually youre correct bake BUT over the years dia de las muertos has merged with the traditional halloween we celebrate .youre hotel wont have...
very cool guys! being so open minded ,free willed ,makes it a heck of a lot easier to have fun!
actually they have shops that will certify you that day! thats padi by the way
2 litres no tori its 4 litres per day como minimo!!! if youre in the sun 5 or 6! dehydration is worse than it sounds , dont do it!
any times a good time for boob cruize! and almost any time is good to visit cancun!
pssssst gina its not gonna rain next week just a shower or two not rain like youre used to DONT EVEN SWEAT IT. ! i promise!
welcome wow ! welcome you guys youre gonna love it its a brave beautiful thing to move down here! have you got a driver already? if no maybe i...
sorry no such thing as a typical margarita (they arent mexican at all) but that being said try an american style place like applebees! or any of...
if you mean bicycle ...hmmmmmm another story ! LOTS of traffic!
i have no idea what the heck those two negative remarks are all about ...its called the highway of death becouse of the day laborers who tend to...
real easy airport as airports go ..coming and going is much faster than youre used to im sure. people will try to make a buck off of you use youre...
in my opinion ALL the commercial restaurants mentioned in this thread fall very short on the authenticity ambiance and shear eating pleasure of...
bottom line there are SO many good places to eat for cheap go into the neiborhoods look for a grandmas house that doubles as a little...