Canadian LS takeover 19-26 Nov
After 3 years heading back on 07/04! Can’t wait
Yes, we are, booked
5 days & we’ll be in the pool consuming cocktails
Hamilton, ON June 12-19
We try to fulfill requests, can’t always guarantee gentle though!! ;) Trip 12 I think for won’t be disappointed
Hi, not sure as we were there June this year, certainly say hi if you see us though...although you guys do look familiar, maybe a couple of years ago?
Hey, there every chance we have been in both April & May in the past. Look out for us & say hi, can’t wait
Not sure we’ve met any of you guys as this will be our first November trip, looking forward to saying hi & sharing a shot or three. We arrive...
2 weeks today...might be thinking about going to bed rather than just waking up!:marshe:
See you guys there, 22nd to 27th for us
Trev & Deb Nov 22-27 No to boobs cruise Number in many as we can get, we’re all friends here ;)
What’s your dates guys?
Back again in November 22-27 booked Monday after returning from June Junkies trip Friday ;)
Same for us, booked, flight itinerary sent & credit against our stay registered.....thanks for the heads up Len. The countdown begins!
Well I guess an we’ll talk to you ;)......I’m guessing Captain & coke, Vodka & sprite? We’ll have them ready
Last shopping done, glow night sorted.....spare rooms looks like a returns desk after Christmas!! 10 sleeps to go:)
Westjet strike overted......Woohoo
3 weeks today, first night, lingerie night ;)
I’s rubbish!!