Sondra and I are looking forward to share good times again. See my favorite Bud Lite girl. We leave tomorrow so we will have three days partying...
Our prayers are with you and hope Tim's father finds strength. Stuart and Sondra
7 days till we arriving at TTR 1:00pm. Need the warmth and not the cold front we have in Maryland. April has freeze warnings.
7 more days till we are joining friends and new friends. Arriving at TTR 1:00pm so we get at least half a day on the first day.
See you on 18th. We will have 5 days on you at TTR. So we will be in a good mood for partying.
We will be there from 13-23. See you on 17th. Look for the curly blond lovely girl. She easier to fine than me. Also looks like we will be...
Rob come on down. It would be nice to see you more than one time a year.
We just booked for 2 April 20. Looking forward to another great boobs cruise.
Put us down for 2 on the 20th
I am so glad [IMG] to see that you are coming to TTR when we are there. April 13-23. Looking forward seeing you guys again.
Sondra and I were wondering if you were going to cross paths again. Glad to see you guys will be coming around the same dates. Ours are April...
Ha, It is Stuart and Sondra. Looks like we are going to be there around the same dates. April 13-23. We just miss seeing you last year. Got to...
We are coming on April 13-23. Love seeing all our April addicts friends again.
We are coming on April 13-23. This will be our eighth trip to TTR. 2010 and 2011 March/April in Cabo TTR and 2012 Feb, 2012 March, 2013...
Sorry I did not respond to your email. I gave it to Sondra and you should get an email from her. It was so great to meet you both.
Just completed my EXPRESS CHECK-IN and requested my room locations. Not quite sure if it helps. While I was typing this I got back from TTR my...
We leave from Baltimore 21 days from today. Weather is improving here in Annapolis MD. We just join a gym last month so we can get in shape....
2 for the 14th. Love sailing - oh we are just motoring but we are on the water and that makes me happy along with all the fun people
Looks like you arrive one day before us. We will look for you on April 8th. We are heading for Florida this Sat to sail a catamaran over to...
Thanks Looks like a lot of people are going on April 14. Should be a lot of fun. We arrive on the 8th so I will have a drink in hand for you...