Sounds like a our house! Hope to meet u guys down there. 2 days and were on the plane!! Half ways there actually!! Wahooooo!
Cant freakin wait! See ya then!
for sure!!
We lost a full nights stay in Cuba a couple of years ago. We were reimbursed for the nights stay through the insurance and we bought we ran up...
yes, keep an eye for us, and we will do the same!
thanks for the heads up. We may be able to make it after all!
a dive off the point might work . We have at least 4 people in now. A few more would be a blast!
We dive in Newfoundland, all we see is rocks!! lol. its nice to see something different, but thanks so much for the suggestion!!
If ya dont bring your cert cards, they charge ya an extra 60 bucks for an in pool orientation. If ya got it, bring it
Got ur bags packed yet? lol
Ok, seeing that we only a week away, just wondering if anybody is planning on doing any diving while at TTR? We did the underwater museum last...
Hey guys! We didnt get to meet last year. Keep an eye for us and we willl do the same!
We didnt make the cruise either. Dam, thats too bad, we are going to have to hang out at the sexy pool all day too!! lol
7 days!! and with the long weekend, only makes 4 days of work left!! Cancun take me away!
We want to be there yesteday! Nah, havent got a thing packed, havent been to the bank for money. Honestly havent got a thing done. Oh, we did get...
8 days!!! ya packed yet? lol
Congratulations on the wedding guys!! And a bachelor party in Cancun at TTR? Hell yeah, what a great idea!!
Hey Karen, trust me, you will want her on your team, lol She's not the competetive type all the time. She's only really serious at provincials...
Sue plays VBall 4-5 times a week. She never got a game in down there last year, but is looking forward to it this year. I'll get the drinks!! lol
Express check in complete. After the 30+ cms of snow last night , the only white stuff we want to see is the sand on the beach!!