I don't know that we ever joined this Roll Call Matt And Jessica Nov 1-6 Number in group - 4 (bringing two newbies) Boobs cruise (not this time)...
Matt and Jess Trip #43 (best guess kinda lost count lol) 2 in our group No boobs cruise (unless I wander drunk onto the boat, lol) LET'S PARTY
We are arriving the 16th to the 22nd so we will see you guys for most of the trip! Trip 43 for us
Hey guys, I'm making an educated guess you guys are from Ohio LOL. Columbus area here making our 43rd trip to temptation. We arrived the 16th and...
Forgot to mention.... Approaching trip 40
You folks get me solo (with friends) for a few days - 4/18-4/22. Big Sexy in the house!
Way late here, 13-18 April. Matt and Jess, 35 trips (i think) or thereabouts No cruise this time
Matt and Jess 8-15 @ Temptation with friends (4 total) No cruise this trip
We just went in June, no issues. We will be there for this week, then back at Halloween. Go and have a great time, and we will see you there and...
Well... We aren't on here much any more but we will see you party people 9/12-9/17. Matt and Jess, Somewhere between 27-31 trips (lost track,...
we aren't going. Doing something different stateside
This may ultimately have me hang up the theme night participation. Not impressed at all, but given the amount of complaining about theme nights...
October 28-31 at Pearl
5 days home from operation canary in the coal mine... so far so good. had a little of the regular cancun cough upon getting home but seem to be...
October 31-Nov 6 (or maybe a few days earlier departure....) 20140419 155101 by bigsexy&misssexy2012 posted May 3, 2014 at 6:30 PM
I've really got to get on the ball here.... Jess and I will be there 9/10-/914. I was on the Facebook group and have posted there but need to pay...
So Jessica and I are going early September and at Halloween, but looks like I might be released unsupervised upon TTR August 13-18..... Looking...
planning 10th to the 14th... barring anything unforeseen.
April 9-16 2021 for us at TTR, 16-18 at DRM