Great trip report guys we loved meeting you too can't wait to meet up again some day. Surprisingly I only had one bruise after the boobs cruise...
We will have to join you to batten down the hatches for the hurricane season ;-)
I must admit I was shocked when we met you, I totally thought you were "older" lol
Great trip report Dan and you're sooo right about the security, the day after our "nakedness" in the hottub they weren't even going to deliver...
Hey there Gabby and RJ loved meeting you guys in Cancun, had a blast. I'm super jealous that you're still getting the nice weather... I'm just...
Hey guys hope you had a safe trip home, it was great meeting you :-)
Hi RJ & Gabby glad you joined, it was great meeting you guys at TTR :-)
I know with us other than a few people we recognized from the forums we'd talk to people first, then ask if they were on CC as a way to keep in...
I'm going to do the lazy thing and tag along with Abbys trip report since we were together for everything.... even the naked volleyball *yikes*...
Just got home from TTR yesterday. One week there will take one month home to dry out... gotta ween ourselves off slowly though ;) TTR was awsome...
See you guys tommorrow night :lotsofmichaelfs:
half drunk... only cause you had to work in the morning :partyhorn: 1 more sleep *yay*
People know I checked out about 2 weeks ago so they started leaving me notes so I don't forget what they want me to do lol
1 work day, 1 tan, and 4 more sleeps whooo gettin close :lotsofmichaelfs:
shoes are very important, we can't help that it doesn't leave much room for clothes
yeah I figure we'll start with a little prep on the plane to make sure we're ready 6 more sleeps *yay*
I think we've spent every second weekend since January PreMexico partying with YHZak, it makes for a good lead up to the trip :biggrinbandit:
Spring is always weird here too, ski suits in the morning shorts in the afternoon It's gonna be a wicked time can't wait:beer4:
you can use express up to 15 days before your arrival, if I can wrestle the tickets away from Mark I'll be doing that myself lol
Okay so I don't feel so bad now we only got enough to make the roads slick for the morning commute, not near enough to ski. It just makes me look...