Much, much Fun!! TTR was better than expected, and we are already talking about going back! Bob was great, and we met a ton of fun people just...
Awesome!! My MUCH better half has also hit the 50 mark, and no one can believe it! Beautiful and awesome?!?! DUDE, we are both lucky guys!!...
Girlfriend, we are totally excited to meet you and learn the ways of the "Jedi" of Temptations! Hope to get sleep tonight!! You are awesome!
April 2 - 7th "I'm Leaving, On a Jet Plane, Don't Know When I'll be Home Again!!" Just got upgraded to First Class for the 3 Hour trip to...
Amen, Brandon! Ohio will bring it, and the Cruise will be Steve-style wicked good! Ready to be there, my friend!! :beer4:
Wow! This both reminded me that we are there for fun, and also reminded me that if I ever plan to run for the Senate, I had better NOT get a...
Great advice, thanks! Guys usually suck at dressing versus our ladies, so good call!
Okay, I get the term "all-inclusive", but does include poopy? Not an extra I would find of value. I'm just saying!..........
Oh, Hell's yes! The 12 of us get there Saturday, we'll have everything warmed up to welcome you all on Monday! Snow this morning...REALLY?? Get...
Ha! Trust me, the April Fools from Cleveland will recruit new friends like you have not seen! Give us Sunday at the pool with Carla, Dick, Eddie...
Sweet! I walked past the treadmill on my way to the fridge for another beer. Does that count as "working out".....TTR-style?? Ready to be...
Ha! We have 10 of us hitting the booze cruise together! Gotta think at least one will be coherent enough to make introductions after the cruise!...
Without a doubt! We totally look forward to meeting new friends, so look for us around the Sexy Pool! Great times are in store, and we are ready...
Monique, we are WAY ready to join you and our new friends in only a few days! Sleep?? That is for later! Can't wait to hang with you, Glenn and...
Brother Deereman! You are joining us for the April 4th Booze Cruise?!?! Awesome! The April Fools from Ohio will make your day more than...
Big & Little, WAY looking forward to getting to TTR! Only three more days until touch down!!
SWEET! Four more days for us, then headed South! Cold and dry here in Ohio, looking forward to warm and humid.....and some drinks by the pool!...
Excellent trip report, thanks! As a group of TTR newbies coming to town in 5 days, your report just made my day!! Ready for some fun....with no...
Ha! We are on the Booz Cruise on the 4th, so we'll see if our gang is coherent enought to say hello! Definitely looking forward to school girl /...
Jwow! When do you two get in? Our gang arrives 4/2, leaving 4/7. Love to grab a drink around the pool!