May 21-28 12th or 13th time, who knows we're shy, say Hi ;)
Tony and Lisa May 22-29 11th trip
The only way Temptation would go along with this in the current TTR fashion would be to make a "Pay for Smoking" section. "For an extra $40 a day...
We're booked for our 10th trip, 23rd - 31st
It seems this is place where most people are going now. We'll be there Nov. 30th - Dec. 4th.
My first thoughts when I heard they were going to renovate was "man I hope they don't try to 'Vegas it up'". Unfortunately that's exactly what...
probably messenger. You can add me if you have Facebook - Tony Ptak
We booked Nov 30 - Dec 4
They have Seagrams and I think Michelob seltzers across the street. Haven't seen Truly. But I like to buy in bulk lol.
Anyone know if Amazon will deliver these to the hotel? I read that they do, but not sure if anyone's ever done it.
Thank you, I knew I saw it somewhere! Looking forward to seeing you guys again this year!
Hey everyone!! So I'm super behind on my theme night shopping this year and arranging theme nights with our Memorial day group! So I just want to...
I just hope they take everyone's advice and make the pool the same depth as the old Temptation
Tony and Lisa May 25th - June 2nd 9th trip? 20180528_213636 Rotate by TonyandLisa posted Jun 14, 2018 at 3:17 PM
We're booked May 25 - June 2nd!
We've been 8 times now. Our first time, we fell in love with the place. So friendly and intimate. Real down to earth people, there for fun and a...
I drink water at the pool until lunch, then after lunch, it's on, lol. No hangovers.
I've been on hold for the second day with the airline for over and hour and 30mins trying to get our flights straightened out. They keep changing...
We have a group of friends, usually around 30 or so who change our theme nights if we don't like the resort themes. We post on here just to let...