Coco bongos IS a must! Congo bar and seƱor frogs were amazing too!
Monique I have a strange feeling that your talking about us hahaha but wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. There were more than one group of naked...
Hope that's not the case. We were there April 4-11, not that long ago...and got to play NTVB!
It was our first time there and we took a little bit to look around and get our bearings but it was super simple and nicely laid out. I still miss...
We were in room 2224 which was up 2 small flights of stairs off paty'o, it faced the road and the roof of the building which was a shit view (I...
fantastic pictures monique!
Yah just got back, my boyfriend and I are both just 21...didn't think you could book the resort unless you were 21 but good job! No one ever asked...
Yes that was great of them Dan...apparently mine went overboard at one point too while I was in the washroom and I had no idea until one of the...
My boyfriend and I just got back a few weeks ago and we are both just 21. But very mature. We had a fantastic time, I wouldn't hesitate at ALL!!!...
You can go any night you want on your own or with the entertainment staff. We booked through our tour operator and did a 3 bar leap on one night....
Hahaha Monique he probably said that after BJ slipped in Dans drink and almost went overboard. :p
Aww bunny. I miss you :) "Lyle" laughed about your TR. That must have been a good kick off to your first day and a great ice breaker when you...
Hiya guys! We miss you! PM me your email address, would love to keep in contact with you guys. Maybe you can visit us in Canada! Lol :)
Hey guys! PM me your email address. Would love to stay in touch.
Great trip report and loved the pictures. I think I saw you our last few days at TTR..we left on thr 11th. Too bad we couldn't have met, it was...
Yeah Monique thats the same with us. Altho sounds like what Dan had was definitely different. Different things effect us all differently though i...
Oh! Ok awesome! Had to look at ur pic up close to remember who u are! Was great to meet you and hope you guys enjoyed the rest of your trip. We...
Hopefully this isn't the case as that would ruin it for a lot of people. Me and my boyfriend just got back from our first trip to TTR and we are...
We were there the first week of April and none of us got sick while on vacation...except my boyfriend the last couple of days had some diarrhea...
Oh monqiue you lucky f$&kers!! Wish we could go back next month. I misssssss it!!