I noticed the lighting in the bathrooms. I just pretty much skipped the makeup. Threw on eyeliner and mascara and I was all set. Our shower has...
We leave in 17 more hours!!!!!!
I'm in the teens now with my countdown - 19 days!
When in Mexico.....drink TEQUILA!
29.5 days! (it is technically less than 30 days since I leave at 6 am on 5/20.)
I've been swapping emails with Yansan Martinez, Public Relations and Wedding Coordinator (and, no, I'm not getting married - already hitched) and...
I have been swapping emails with the resort and I have received the following information regarding upgrades. Hope this helps! See below: The...
We can do it! Things I've learned since I started my diet in January. I haven't had any fried food yet this year and don't miss it very much. I...
My packing list will depend on a) if I can lose 20 lbs in one month b) lose 15 lbs or c) lose 10 lbs. Notice that losing zero is not an option....
I emailed the resort and have been swapping messages with the someone there (they list their title as the wedding coordinator but helpful in all...
I used Kayak when I booked and they search all the sites. My goal was to get the most bang for my buck. I think the best deal varies depending...
41 Days!!!! Getting my tan on, eating healthy, not drinking (too many calories) and exercising. The sacrifices we make.... I'm going to feel...
I don't know if they spray at GP but I know some of the other resorts spray for bugs so they won't "bug" the guests :D
True - lord only knows what I will do once I get liquored up.
Sad to say but my top will be staying on. Unless, that is, people are fond of National Geographic...
Down to 57 days! (under the two month mark just feels better)! I spent an hour kickboxing last night and it about kicked my butt. But I still...
I usually use some type of lip treatment with the highest SPF I can find. Burnt anything doesn't feel good but burnt lips are especially unpleasant.
Don't forget the lips! I find that I have to re-apply sunblock to my lips more than any other spot. And be careful of the limes that are served...
Have a great trip! The tanning salon we go to has several different levels of tanning beds - with corresponding prices - The max time on them is...