Arriving evening 8 Feb - 18 Feb. Part vacation part recon for my move down in Apr.
13-20 Oct. Just me again as always. BC 18th booked might do 14th too, who knows Order more Tequila, don't want to run out.
Oct 13 - 20 2019
26 jan - 2 feb 2019
26 jan - 2 feb. 9th or 10th time, lost track.
Jan 26 - 2 Feb Just me BC - maybe
June 16 - 23
16-23 June.
If I remember correctly it was usually Thurs.
June 16 - 23 2nd time since remodel 9th time? Memory sucks
16th - 23rd. yup that's me.
Dates: June 16 - 23 Number in Group: 1 Boobs Cruise: Maybe 2nd trip since remodel. Still waffling about cruise.
9 days to go. Ducks are starting to walk in a line.
How are we doing for this trip so far. I'm booked, just curious whether we're close or not.
14 - 21
June 14 - 21 1st time in 3 yrs. Yay me.
Didn't see this one listed so here we are.
June 14 - 21. Yay me.
June 14 - 21. Finally after 3 yrs away I'm coming back.
I once had the room right behind the dj booth. Thought I was assistant dj, definitely changed to a quiet room.