Another dedicated Week 8 Fan is born!!!!! lol We had a blast partying with you guys and can't wait to do it all again! I'll PM you our email and...
Twister under the stars? We have a huge balcony this year! Come fill it up with naked twister!
Only 6 hours away. Drinking our breakfast at the airport! Can't wait to see everyone!
I have been dreaming of the smell of the ocean air as the plane lands! Ahhh Sunday morning can't come soon enough! See you all soon! :)
2.5 more days of work, 4 more sleeps, 1 - 5 hour plane ride and then unlimited tequila! Can't wait!
Hello Red Deer guys! Can't wait for this week to be over and to board the plane early Sunday morning! Well see you at the sexy pool for SHOTS! :)
6 more days!!!! Can't wait to see everyone!
Alright I may sound like a kid in the back seat on a long road trip....but are we THERE YET???
Hey Steve - How many people maximum can go? Just curious. :)
Deposit paid for the two of us - just waiting on 6-7 more friends to confirm and pay! It's gonna be kick ass!
We can do a glowstick night on white night or Toga night, but I think the more important school girl night is missing! ;)
33 days till we are there!
We are there the 19th to the 26th and always looking for a good excuse to party! See you all there!
Steve - Kev and I are there from mid day Feb 19th - Feb 26am - anytime in there and we are in...when and where do we send our deposits!!! We...
45 days until we arrive...NOT that we're counting by any means! :)
Hey maxxedout - Sounds awesome - we'll buy the first round haha!
50 days to go!
Feb Clothing The less the better.. from what I remember last February at least! :partyhorn: