Nov 6th - 13th.
January 18-26
January 18-26, 10th trip(we think)boobs cruise, yes
We will be there the 7th-14th of March.
Feb 7 - 14, trip # can't remember. 8 maybe.
It was great meeting you two also. Hope you had good travels back home. With this cold weather and snow we came home to I'm already ready for...
It was great seeing you two! Tell Julie i will save her from alcohol poisoning anytime! Will be a great conversation starter for you back home. :-)
Dearest Douchbag and Michelle, :-) It was great meeting you two! I'm still kicking myself in the ass for passing out so early on your last night...
I'll be the guy loading up on drinks outside the airport for the transfer.
We arrive at 2:53 from Detroit. We haven't booked, but always take USA transfers, gets you straight to the resort!!
8-13th for us, get in mid afternoon on Saturday
November 8-13, 5th trip
27 hours
12 days
Nice thread, but apparantly the management is only going to address the issues the cay respond to in a positive manner. Looks like we won't get...
Damn, we're booked for end of Feb, but this resort does not sound like our cup of tee. I feel duped by the GOV marketing if your review is...
Just booked, our 3rd cruise!
I know I sound like a broken record here, but I would like to figure out how to get some answers to this 1:00am closing time dilemma. I have...
do you know if it will be soon? We are booked for the last weekend in February and would rather not stay at a place that shuts down at 1:00
Can you elaborate on the bar closing time?