I finally joined a gym. Hopefully these last few pounds will slide off.
I'm going soon as well. I'm going to hit up some these places! So excited!
$60 for a club? I had no idea. I guess that's pretty good to include drinks.
Another bad week for me. I'm still trying to recover from the snow storm.
Awwww! She's precious.
WoW! That's hilarious!
Don't forget to get some "cool" gucci sunglasses before you go. I just got me some. Gucci Sunglasses - Compare and buy with Twenga.com
Polo Blue. It's the only way to go.
Cool. I will definitely have to work this into my budget.
The water is so beautiful! I'm sooooo excited about my trip.
Party with the young people! You're sure to have a good time!
Gaga wil probably take it over now...
I'm back on the Fat Smash. It always seems to work good for me.
I know! Lol. Too excited about it. My fav type of food.
I think I've gained mine back. I've been snowed in and couldn't make it to the gym.
Those are some huge fish! Never really gone fishing. I might have to add this on the list of things to do.
That sucks! I'm sure I can find somwhere that has some good seafood.
That sounds good! I'm going to add that on my list of must have items when I get there.
Yeah, that sounds like a short trip. Once you arrive, you're already expecting your departure.
fletch is all there,....nuf said