I might turn loud on this trip... The crowd seems right hehe
Flight delayed 4hrs blah... Won't get to ttr til 10pm maybe... At least the boobs cruise is tomorrow!!
I don't get loud I just have stupid smile on my face and actually stay pretty quiet!
My dad lives in Mexico and says the weather reports are often unreliable. Usually rain means it might cloud over and drizzle for a short time,...
more bc people! Ill see you down there Ill eb there from the 20th-27th!
The last few days have got to be the worst..especially since the weather in Victoria is rainy, dark, cold and windy....I can't wait to get into my...
Grats on the marathon! Amazing to accomplish that! Cheers
Hey Zurc, I'm not there into December but until the 27th of November if possible may I have a band as well? Cheers, Greg
While getting a tan is a nice touch to the vacation..I'm with you on drinking all day :) Just picked up my powdered Gatorade today.
There are gonna be a good number of BC people down there in November!! Looks like we will empty the bars for sure :icon_surprised:
I'm looking forward to it! This trip looks like it's going to be great!
With 11 sleeps to go that's exactly what I needed to hear haha!!
Woo hoo! So looking forward to this cruise! Thanks again for hosting Steve!
I've decided on emptying my room of beer then heading down to the sexy bar:bandit:
14 more sleeps...It's going to be great meeting some of you there!
bump bump bump...While I am sure many of the couples going will be 'bumping' the whole trip I thought I would bump this thread...since I am really...
So Thursday is Lingerie night? Proper attire for guys I read is boxers and that's it? How about a ron burgundy type plush bathrobe and boxers,...
If you are that would be great to chat with some fellow TTR people on the way down! If you are on the same flight and see me say hello!
LA & Dave you have to help me represent British Colombians on that cruise...We have to show them our drinking prowess!:icon_mrgreen:
bumpity bump bump bump ...This is gonna be awesome if we can get a minimum of 6 more I think?