October 6-12 Heading down from 6-12 with another friend and seeing who else was going to be down there at the time. This will be my first time...
October singles? Looking to head down with a friend October 6-12 seeing if any other singles will be down there during that time. Looks like its...
Absolutely! I'll be down there Nov 15-21
I will be down there during that time with a friend. What exactly is a boob cruise and how much would it cost? We will most likely be in.
It looks like we will all be down there at the same time. I'll be down there with a friend Nov 15-21.
It looks like I will be catching you at the end of your trip. I go down with a friend of mine on 11/15 thru 11/21. Hopefully we will run into you...
Sounds good to me. I'm heading down with a friend of mine and the more people we meet down there the better. We're going the 15-21 both our first...
It's our first time down there do alot of singles go down there? Basically what should we expect down there?
It looks like we will be running into each other down there. I'm heading down with 2 friends of mine and we are all about meeting new people.
Is anyone gonna be down there from Nov 13-21?
Heading down there Nov 14-21 with 2 other singles. I heard that their singles week is in November but couldn't find out when does anyone know when...