What are the exact dates for single week in november?
aug 22-30.
Will be there from aug 22-30.
is there a booze cruise every week.and if so what day is it on?
Anybody going to be there during that time. Its my first time going to temptation and my first vacation solo.
Is it smart to change your money in the US or in mexico. do they take dollars in Canun for the taxis and buses?
thank you very much.
Im going to temtation august 23-31. Can someone please explain the dinner procedure to me. I have read reviews that you have to stand in line in...
how is there ? Will be my first time going on a vacation solo.
will be there from 23-31.
thanks Wolfnblue! Is it ok to go there as a single?
Thanks everybody! How is it going there as a single?
Anybody going to be there Aug 23-31?
First timer coming end of August! anybody know the schedule for the clubs?
Hey everybody! How is it going there as a single?