Hey Guys, How is everyone going? I haven't been on for a while, it's a bit depressing after meeting all the awesome people that I won't be...
Kelz, Don't forget that BUSLOAD of girls rocked up to Oasis the night before we left... I think the ratio would have changed a fair bit while...
Pretty sure it was the mass amounts of TEQUILLA that made you sick Kelz!!!!! :P
For Sure, everyone was amazing to hang around and drink with!!! A special mention to Henry for not leaving me behind when we were going into...
Not sure, would love too but depends on money etc. Was great as a first timer, a lot to take in. Met some great people who I would love to keep in...
Hey Everyone. Last night was just crazy, it was great to come to Mexico alone and meet all the fantastic people I have spoken with on here for...
Get your shirts ready people!!!! ITS GAME TIME!!!
Happy Birthday!!! I hope it's a good one!!! Will be sure to drink for you!:lotsofmichaelfs::aktion060::birthday::partyhorn::beer4::lotsofmichaelfs:
Last night went to Sweet - $40 bottle service it was empty at the start lots of dudes, a couple of girls but mainly they were with guys already....
See You All Tonight!!!!! WOOHOO ALSO...I have a +1 coming now.
Less talk more getting here
WOOHOO!!!!! Will your cell phone work over here?
Hurry up and get here!!!! That couldn't have been me, I don't drink, yo must be thinkin of someone else.... :D
We went to Mandala last night, I think it is $35 but there was 3 of us and it was pretty empty so the guy did it for $28 each. By the end of the...
There is no brazillian word for "creepy"
We paid $45 at frogs, I think the City was charging $75 but not sure if that was right, Terrasta was $20 as was Slices.
Hey Guys, I have just checked out of the grand and into the Omni, The omni is AMAZING!!! I liked the grand but this place is awesome. I am on...
I have had 2 crazy nights already, Can't wait to meet the crew tonight :D PARTY TIME!
Hey Guys I will be getting in tomorrow afternoon, I might be wearing a silver bball singlet #21 Ryan on the back, if you see me yell out, I will...
I was bring that for you....but if you arent going, I will pick a different one for this year :P