Hello there welcome to the early june party. If you see us come say hello. we would look for you if we knew what you looked like. We are there...
Well this is Rick here and you can be the artist forsure. you can pick the canvas of your choice
First time for us. But from what i have read here ttr run activities usall slow down around 10:30, when they head out to town as a groupe. They...
Well first I need to figure out who is asking before asnwering that LOL
Got lot of glow sticks and some glow in the dark body paints
Looking forward to meeting all the new people. May 29th to june 5th Rick & Cindy
A few more great people joining us. See you at the pool bar.We'll see you at the pool bar we'll have a days head start on ya Rick and Cindy
Yes but before you get there 8>(
great idea
Great idea
Will look when i am out for the mouth sticks
ok you have a bunch of glow stuff pick a day to do it
We'll save you a spot at the swim up bar
Are we going to hear bumble bees every time you are near? HOPE SO
I'll try to pick some extras for anyone that may miss them
Nice Picture We will have been there and gone by time you guys get there. But hopefully you'll have new phots when you get home to share
We'll see you guys in Mexico
School girl on Monday sounds like a plan Some needs to fill in the blanks now sat 29th toga sunday may 30th open monday may 31st school girl...
specialty restaurants Question witch if any of the resterants serves lobster? Are you limited to only one lobster diner? And whats the best time...
Ok talk to you all on sunday night taking a over night bag and running away with some friends on the motorcycles. :wave::aktion030: