11 degrees F this morning at our house close to Dallas (F stands for Fuucckk its cold) ready for some Mexican sun!
Dates: Feb 26 - Mar 2 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Yes / No / Maybe:) 7th time, been a while
We'll be there Sept 27 thru the 30th! Looking forward to having some fun.. kiks are mikem402 and carrieam410
We're there from the 8th to the 15th so just missing you, we're just doing a 3 hour two tank dive from Cancun Scuba next to Temptation on the 9th...
We just got our padi open water diver cert.s doing a couple of reef dives, any scuba folks on here?
3 weeks to go! we need the vacation :marshe:
Dates:Nov 8 - 15 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Maybe
flying out in the morning non stop from Dallas, less than 2 hour flight and in Mexico woo hoo see yall at the quiet pool...on our way to the sexy...
We have not been on one yet, been to TR several times, sounds like a blast though.
Hi there, undecided on the boobs cruise, are you guys signed up?
mikensheri April 29th to May 6th, 6th trip... We're just going to hang at the quiet pool and beach mostly, read, relax, get some sun, get a...
24 days to go....
Mike and Sheri Apr 29 to May 6 mikensheri
may 15 - may 20 trip 4
Our first time, never even exposed to scuba, we just did the lessons in the ttr pool and the trip to the diving area about 2 miles out a couple of...
we actually took our first cruise on the Triumph out of Galveston last May, nice to do once, 4 days was enough, all included adult resorts are way...
we saw the back windows and wall of our living room shudder 50 miles from the explosion, no noise. we heard the space shuttle blow up a while back...
doing the hobie cat was fun at ttr, they show you how to sail then you go on your own. we walked to the ferrie and went to the isle of mujeres,...
its sucked bad in 2011 last time we were there, they did not charge us though so no harm. I'm just having someone else monitor my business email...