48 hours and we will be on our way !!
we get there on the 30th so bummed we will miss the fun this trip :(
see you Monday afternoon our flight gets in at 1:15 :)
Did the express check in yesterday and start the pre vacation pampering on Friday since next week will be crazy busy !! 13 days till paradise !
Can't wait !!
a week long celebration i'm in ;)
Mine is the 4th we will have to share many bday drinks :)
Nov 30th- Dec 6th can't wait to meet everyone !!
Can't wait to see you !! make sure you have a drink ready for us on Nov 30th around 3ish :)
one more month !!! it can't come soon enough :)
Matt and I just booked Nov 30th - December 6th to celebrate my 40th at my favorite home away from home :) he has never been so we have a TTR newbie ;)
Matt and I will be there for November 30th- December 6th ...one day in November but wanted to put on both roll calls :)
It's looking like i got a friend who has been there several times talked into going ... just waiting a week or two now for prices to hopefully...
haven't booked yet waiting to see who can go :(
I just got approved off for Sept 3rd -7th just need to talk a friend into a long weekend in Mexico ;)
Planning a trip down with a friend the week of October 5th-11th :)
Hi .. I am from Rochester however i will not be going till possibly October ..the thread that has the April-May dates are from years ago :(
I wish this singles roll call got updated yearly .. because people think i am going this april into may and as much as i wish i was that post was...
I went over Labor day with a friend and both her and i both traveled with only carry ons ...it was great skipping all the baggage lines :)
The packing just started and I think I have everything !! If not I at least have the most important stuff :) see you all tomorrow early afternoon :)