Great review! We've been to Temptations many times and yes it's fun and YES we have created some great friendships with the bartenders and...
Alpharooms is awesome! Make sure you go through this site to alpharooms that way Steve get's credit! Also, through this website use USA...
We did superbowl a few year's ago in Mexico, unfortunately they only aired the game itself and NONE of the commercials we're used to watching in...
Is Lalo still at Sr. Frogs?
Ahhhh...What they said. You'll LOVE it!
I get sick of ALL the negative ads played. It's always easier to POINT the finger than to be held ACCOUNTABLE. It's really sad that I DREAD...
We always go in February. There are usually a day or two where there are clouds, windy and maybe some rain BUT it never lasts. On those days...
Wow! I've never actually heard or seen anyone kicked out before.
Steve has a great pic on here (somewhere) about "partly" cloudy and there's this speck of a cloud in the's great! As everyone else has...
For us sexy attire is just enough clothing to where it entices the imagination of wanting to see more....mmm, now that's sexy!
Dude, you and your gal will have a blast! My wife and I are upper 40's and let me tell you.....there are many a party night that we end watching...
Me....I just show up (does it really matter what Iwear?) My wife.......She loves to take the opportunity in the evenings to dress up and wear some...
We're planning our 7th or 8th trip to TTR in February (probably somewhere around the last 2 weeks). We always have such a GREAT time. The wife...
We usually grab a drink then catch shuttle to resort. Once we get in the room I drop the luggage flip on channel twelve (while getting naked) and...
Lalo, Sr Cancun or Playa del Carmen? Thanks.
Wow! Thanks, I'll begin looking into these options....very helpful.
Ok, this is not about TTR and Cancun but we're close followers of cancuncare, been to TTR many times and respect stories and opinions of other...
My wife is always a bit apprehensive (and we've been to TTR 6 times) for going topless is not a common occurance up in Seattle but she always...
As long as I would be at TTR I would gladly wait for: - The tree to be planted - The tree to grow - The tree to bear coconuts - the coconuts...
Entertainment is ALL about the crowd that is there! If you want it wild and crazy PARTICIPATE! I jump right in when I first get's a...