Hi Guys, I hope you have a great trip! Any day on vacation is better then a day in the office! I have to say, I am suprised that more people...
I am sorry we missed you....but glad you had a good time. I guess it is the luck of the draw in Cabo. We did have some fun times and made some...
Hey there everyone.... i had sat down and wrote a trip report after we came home....but it was so long, that the website timed out on...
Dont you worry J&A.....I put the shot cups and jello next to my "stuff to pack" today! IT IS ON! I actually had some chocolate cake shots a few...
5 more days! Thanks for the tips! I will report back on how this taxi adventure turns out! Are we there yet?????
Hey Hortonklyn, did you guys book for cabo next week or cancun? Hoping for Cabo so we can meet up and party with you! The pictures are...
Next freakin week everyone!!!!!! Should be at the hotel around 3:30 on wednesday...somebody have a drunken monkey waiting for me! We will be...
We will be there too! Shooting for June 25 through July 3rd :)....Let the theme night planning begin.... didnt have much participation last June ;(
Chino did one off of me.....the other post is correct, just tell him you want a body shot......he will be more then happy to oblige! BEWARE, he...
Thanks everyone for the respones! I think we will wing it and go for the taxi....there are 4 of us going, so even if they charge us $60 each way,...
Hi Everyone, I did not book a shuttle for our trip that is coming up. I had read on here that is like $20 to take a taxi from the airport, way...
Drunken Monkey's and Miami Vices! Wet Pussies for shots!!! YUUUUMMMMYYY. Hope they make those in TTR Cabo....20 more days!
I know this is very late...but I wanted to get my congrats in too! He is beautiful and I hope you are all settled in and adjusting to the...
thanks Thanks Guys! Rob, I thought I read somewhere that you guys changed your mind about Cabo and were going to stick with CUN? I guess I am...
Hey Cabo Friends, Does anyone know, do we have to wake up at the crack of dawn to save chairs by the pool like we do in Cancun....or are there...
We will be there! Hey Andrea and Mario....there are 4 of us from Cali that will be there when you guys are. We have been to Cancun......and got...
Yeah my count down ticker is back! :huepfen013:
I am still here :) Hey Everyone! Mitymouse.....you didnt scare me off.....I dont know what made you think that! I have been crazy busy this...
Thanks! I think this will be more of the mellow vacation.....but who knows, we are just going to go with the flow. We are going with my best...
WHOO HOO! Can't wait to meet you guys! Come up and say hello....I look a bit different from my picture so you can recognize me by the big tatoo...