we will be there cant wait
ok all packed now just need the next 12 hours to hurry its ass up so we can get on the plane..Everyone we have chatted with make sure you say hi...
3 more sleeps and a short plane ride
ya go to temptationresort.com and go to your resort and its on the right hand side menu...i just got my confirmation email from it back...cant...
20 days and a wakeup...:huepfen021:
Dragging Why is it when the vacation gets where you can start seeing it...time slows to a dead crawl...well except the weekends and they actually...
We have no idea what a pulp fiction party means...anyone...anyone..lol
Not alone Hey what days are you guys going to be there..We are getting there on the 27th to the 3rd. Cant wait been to temptation cancun and had...
ya we upgraded thru temptation back on 5/30 and it was 57 more a night over new years.
Heading to Cabo over new years for Tonya's birthday. Already have a suite and airline tickets ready to go. Would really like to get a limo or...
We wont be there till the 27th...kids said they would burn the house down if we left before that lol...tonya's birthday is the 31st so its her...
Not too early We will get there on the 27th and stay till the 3rd.. Cant wait...need a vacation now wish it was not so far away.. Shawn and Tonya
I know its real early yet but booked our trip last night. Be there 7th thru 3rd. Anyone else heading down there to ring in the new years?...
Scared Ok after reading all this we are scared and will not leave our room so if everyone could just show up at our room with alcohol, and...
Getting close Finally down to single digits time to start packing...:3some::ernaehrung015::bj:
are there no themes set for the 16th thru the 21st anywhere
We both will start in about two weeks...hate to get a horrible burn the first day...:sauer005: