Sept8-15th solo Boobs Cruise, Yes!
I stayed at the RIU Palace Las Americas a few years ago. Nice room , good food and drinks. Typical resort activities, nightly shows and...
DougEFresh in the house Sept 10-17!!!!
I wasn't going to mention this, but I was at a Club Med several years ago(Playa Blanca in Manzanillo). It was the last week and they were closing...
Thanks for that excellent comparison trip report! I'm going to Breathless in Cabo in November and figured it cant be as rowdy as Temptation. I...
Just wanted to give a shout out to Omar!! Omar, you did a great job without Chinos on the 7th! You exceeded my expectations. Thanks...
Just added my posse of 8!
I'm down with 8 people from the 7th-14th, would love to go when Chinos is on board( a few of us might be able to do the 15th)
Count me + 7 friends from September 6th-16th!!!! (don't worry, we're not 8 guys) Getting PUMPED!!!
A guy told me one time that he bought 10 Cuban cigars on the beach for $20 each($200.00) and the vendor was going to come back the next day and...
Steve, I haven't been on this site in a while and just saw this. Glad you stopped smoking and have a plan! Good luck and we'll see you in...
I used to go to Vegas 2-3 times a year, then I figured out for what I spent on a weekend in Vegas, I could do an all-inclusive in Mexico for a...
Erik, Glad you had fun! Was your first trip to BBG when I met you? If so, I can't believe it's been 10 years! Me and the crew are heading there...
I just booked a week in September for $295!! Hella cheap!!
Oh, you know, I've been here and there;) Actually, I've been going in September, usually after Labor Day every year....Plus I cheat and go other...
Hey Eric, Glad to see your back! I know you'll have a great time as a single, especially with all the peeps you already know from this board!...
I went single in september and didn't pay extra for a jaccuzi room, but I think it's because others didn't want it, due to it not having a...
Didn't they legalize posession of small amounts of drugs in Mexico a year or so ago?? I think they were trying to eliminate the shake-down of...
Running around like a madman! Trying to pack and sooo ready to be there! See Ya'll Saturday night! DougEfresh
They do not have the 'Captain' (always a popular question), but they do have Bacardi Anejo, which is really good in rum and cokes...Or you could...