Well, I would like to stay with this topic as long as you like, but this is going to be my last post regarding this precise issue, I didn’t want...
I have been reading avidly, but haven’t had time to reply. I beg you all not to take offence at my posture and to consider the facts. 1. We are in...
I never left the forum, however I didn't had any positions available. Regarding the ad, I thought Steve (about a year ago or so and yesterday) had...
Well, it is a full time job, however the $1,000.00 pesos p/week is only a transportation bonus, there are some other bonuses, and of course, the...
It is a full time job indeed. We also provide a buffet for lunch at the premises, from Checandole restaurant.
Sorry Steve... It is the local currency... :icon_wink:
English speaking people, can work with us in different departments, such as: Telemarketing, Reservations, Customer Service, or several other...
Even if you don't sell at all you'll earn $1,000.00 MXN pesos (per week), indeed. It's a transportation bonus, and there are more bonuses as well....
Earn from $1,000.00 to $5,000.00 per week (commissions+bonuses) FEW POSITIONS LEFT! Send us your resumé a.s.a.p. in order to determine the...
Hi Rivergirl! Well, I didn't feel necessary an extensive explanation about the "discrimination" in my postings, since, I've already posted that...
We do the marketing for Sunset, indeed (which is obvious). We don't have the OPC's, and we don't advertise in the newspaper. I don't understand...
I recommend you to a little research, since we don’t advertise our company in the newspaper. Besides we don’t have any OPC positions. Have a...
We do appreciate experience, indeed. If you want to apply and you are the right person, of course we are going to give you the opportunity to...
Marketing 4 Sunset Group is seeking for a fully bilingual person (100% English & Spanish) to work as an Executive Assistant. If you are who we are...
Marketing 4 Sunset Group is seeking for a fluent English speaking person to work as an e-Marketing Executive. If you are who we are looking for,...
Marketing 4 Sunset Group is seeking for a Bilingual person to work as a VIP Membership Services Representative. If you are who we are looking for,...
Marketing 4 Sunset Group is seeking for a fluent English speaking person to work as a Social Media Executive. If you are who we are looking for,...
Marketing 4 Sunset Group is seeking for a Native English speaking and writing person to work as a Community Manager. If you are who we are looking...
Marketing 4 Sunset Group is seeking for a fluent English speaking person to work as a Sales Manager. If you are who we are looking for, then you...
No, we sell vacation packages, besides you cannot sell timeshare over the phone. :wink: