booked Booked 5th to 15th of sept
I would like to upgrade to premier for the stay,What will it cost me? Can I pay at the desk? Or do I have to do a timeshare? We have been there...
How can we get a white braclet without joining a timeshare. We went last year and some friends upgraded. Never asked them how.
We went for our first time last oct. we met great people and it was so fun and cool. we also had the time to relax. We are booked for sept again....
we are there ...cant wait
we went in Oct last year it was a blast...we are now booked for sept this year.
:flash:September here we come...the big 40 is here.
We are heading down for our second time and wifes bday....We had a blast last october
I was curious about time share. Is it a good Idea for a few perks? It dont leave me warm an fuzzy. I have been offerd a free week but I just dont...
Anniversary Our 14th wedding anniverisary...
Add us to the list....
Cant wait till the 14th We are ready to go, Can we get a woot woot....:69:
We are in too
We will be there from the 14th - 21st. I can't wait, been to Cancun but 1st time to Temptations. I haven't even started shopping yet but guess I...
We are there too..
Oct 17 to 24...
We are heading down for the first time in October.the 14 to 21.We are a lottle weary. We have been to cancun 3 times alway at the royal solaris. I...
Ocotober First timers heading out .14 to the 21
Are there adult AI hotles that we can visit for the day? :roll: