4th Time Feb 23 - March 2
same time ish.... We are there around that time as well (20-27). See you there!
1st timers Just booked for the 22nd. First time on this cruise!
Heading out April 20 - 27 !!!
We have white attire :)
I bringing a costume :)
We are up for White Nite and possibly Halloween night :)
Can you buy this in Canada? I've never heard of it before until here!
Booked for 2 on February 23!!! First Time on this Cruise :) Tanya & Kevin
We'll be there 18-25 of fEb :)
18-25 here :)
Is there a standard cost to upgrade (once at hotel) or does it vary. Is payment in Pesos or what? What has others experiences been when doing this?
What are these orange wristbands?
See you there! We arrive on the 18th :)
1. When travelling from the airport to the resort (for those of you have been there before), just before you hit resort after resort do you...
never done that. what is it?
February 18-25 2nd Time!
I am bringing thong bikini, gstring bikini and 2 regular bikini's ... giddy up....9.5 hrs to take off! and i've never worn thong or gstring or...
our plane leaves at 6AM, we'll be there by 9AM Mexico time :)
42 hours till take off :) :) :)