It is sad to hear what is happening, we were very disappointed to have to cancel BUT our main concern is that we care for Jules Grandmother who is...
Re booked to Egypt this morning and honestly it looks like a lovely hotel but boring as hell, we will miss so much fun and exciting times in...
We have had to cancel, the WHO raised the Threat level to 5 today and that could obviously mean a full ban on travel to Mexico. We will hopefully...
YESSSSS!! Here's hoping, the alternatives on our Operators websites look so f**king boring we were thinking of getting a refund and going to...
I was optimistic about the whole thing going ahead as planned until our Nanny State Government declared a unilateral "non-essential" travel ban,...
Such a shame, we were really looking forward to going to Mexico, Jules parents went about 10 years ago and said it was the best holiday they ever...
The latest word from our operator:- We travel 12th May so we will have to wait but the outlook is NOT looking good :(
To be honest, we just want to know that we will be allowed to go as given the choice we would not be worried about going as things stand at the...
Monarch Holidays part of Cosmos are having a meeting at 11am to decide what is happening I assume they are being advised by government and WHO...
The WHO has raised the threat level to 4 and advise not to travel to Mexico except in essential circumstances, this is the advice the FCO has... For those of you into Deep House another mix of...
Les u are covered in ink and u say you are scared of needles !! u r taking the mickey lol
Well according to the Nurse - Tetanus, Polio and Diphtheria are ones everyone should have in general and keep up to date with, ours were all out...
BECAUSE everywhere we have read says something like this
Just spent a week putting new stuff on the creative zen( :double finger: ipods) and went for a bit more varied stuff than before so now it...
Less than a month to go, we are at the Vacation inoculation clinic on Friday, have bought MORE clothes for Jules and have got decent suntans going...
Count us in, we are hoping to try as many bars as we can, after 5 holidays in Ibiza it will be good to see something different...House Music would...
Completely normal here we are and drink just about anything
Trips have been transferred and we r now fine to go on a booze cruise with y'all on 15th May :beergone: W00t!!
Hi we will come on the Booze Cruise on 15th if we are able to transfer the same tour we booked for the 21st to a different one with E-Plus I have...