Totally Confused about the Rooms. Booking through Vacation Express it shows the standard room and the spice room. I've tried to find what the...
Wish I was there! --- We will be pool side by 3 tomorrow. :D
Hi Tom and Theresa ---- I guess you are arriving today -- we will see you on the 4th
Let's get this booze cruise going!!!!!! I'm sooooo looking forward to it and would hate to miss a chance for one during our stay.....
5 more sleeps for us! Can't wait! So do we have a count for the 8th or 9th ?
Can't wait to meet you tattojim and gang! Sounds like a party all it's own.
looking forward to meeting you
Agree - come on people We need to get enough to have this booze cruise! I'm just too excited about this and would hate if we don't get enough...
count us in Sorry I posted on Jan 3 - We will join the 8/9th cruise: Philishia, John, Rena, and Dave - (4) All first timers! Can't wait
count us in Philishia and John and Rena and Dave for the 8th or 9th
Hi All --- my group will arrive Jan 4th and we are curious as to the weather at this time. Daytime temp? Nighttime temp? Any help is greatly...
party of 4 arriving Jan 4-11 My hubby (John) and I (Philishia) along with Dave and Rena will be there the same duration. Looking forward to...
Bummer - we arrive the 4th Any chance there will be another booze cruise during our stay Jan 4 - 11?
arriving Jan 4 My Hubby and I and another couple arrive Jan 4 for 7 nights. First time for all of us and looking forward to meeting everyone.
Thanks so much for all your help. We have booked with alpha and it declined card (we thought) then later received email confirming booking and...
Has anyone had any trouble booking with Alpharooms with USD? or any other problems?
thanks for the info. cant wait to get there.
I'm searching as well for Jan booze cruise with Steve details. If anyone has the info let me know. thanks,
Can't make Jan 1 but we will be arriving on Jan 11 -
Re: cancun - the kim corwin experience - trip report / some Would love to see the rest of your pics but cant figure out where the are - can you...