I usually tip at each bar up front ($10-20) and always get great service. After that, I give smaller tips as needed. First morning I leave $10...
Have a small group returning Nov 9th. Anyone else booked?
More couples than singles. All my past travel destinations that had single's weeks have done away with those weeks and are catering more to the...
Jan 2013 Thinking about a 3rd trip back in Jan 5-10th, would be solo but have heard the resort has changed to a different atmosphere than I am...
anyone know if there are hair dryers in the rooms or should I pack one?
Arriving 11/6 - 13th with friends! Much needed vacation and counting down the days!
We have a group of 3 ladies and a guy booke so far for 11/6-13th. Coming from FL, TX, NC and OH
Group of 4 singles so far going Nov 6 - 13th! All 2nd timers so we look forward to meeting new friends and having another great trip!
We have a group that will be there in Nov as well! You'll have a great time!
Ricky, did you change your dates? We are booked for Nov 6-13th. Kim saw the singles week on the TTR site but I checked tonight and its gone...
So is there really a singles week in Nov this year? We booked 2 years ago in Nov and the singles week was cancelled. Still had a fun just...
Thanks Ricky!! I tried mulitple things but not too worried about it. We'll just see if you can still pick me out of a crowd :) See ya in Nov
Ricky, you know you love this job!! How the heck did you get your picture on here?? I can't seem to figure this site out. Looking forward to...
Nov 8 - 15th Arriving on 11/8- 15th with a group from FL, TX, CA, TN and NC. My first trip but some in the group are 2nd timers. Can't wait!!