4 "POMMES" going 21st till 24th my mate!
i "think" as long as your part of the oasis your okay to go to any hotel.. maybe have to pay $10 or something but like i say cnt be 100%
for me the only bad thing about cancun is the music.. hardly any dirty house, funky house etc... altho in america they all seem to call dance...
i was going to stay there, looks really nice plus heard good things about it
we looked at PCB but the flights were a pain in the arse plus was more expensive than cancun for us so thought F*ck it ha!!
thanks ppl for the msgs can't wait to get it on again.. we paid £1200 each! and thats via Philadelphia! extra 4 hours but IT'S WORTH IT!!!
haha.. yea gd point lad.. no cancun for you this year trigger? u love the joint!
literally just booked up last night.. there's loads of hotels that are fully booked for SB so you know its gonna be packed.. which is good! plus...
Whats the vibes like for SB09 then? loved it last year so have just booked up for March 14th 10 nights @ Barceló Tucancun Beach
they were called deb, taylor n nina...................
Been here since March 9th and still going strong.. cancun is all about how good u make it.. we met a bunch of guys from texas n girls from...
damnnn im staying there... wnt be quiet when we get there
indeed there is...not too worry we'l send u a postcard ;-)
how come ur giving it a miss this yr>? u got abit sick of it or is it other reasons? this my 1st yr so see how i take to it xx
haha, so will u be in cancun this yr or u missing it.. and in turn MISSING OUT!!!
champagne tastes awfull... majority of ppl drink it to "look good" like wen ur 14 in skool n ppl think its cool to smoke
cnt beat a good "lurk" can u!
ahhh sorry jst here we say "yanks" like ud call us "brits"..
lol what wud u want with a couple of northeners wen u got all these yanks to choose from eh ;-)