Yeah it's back. But not sure if it's the same as before, or different.
Folks, please use the official roll call as it is now live. Temptation Roll Call May 2025 This thread is quite old and a lot of people will have...
It's a throwback to around 10-15 years ago. I haven't seen the new version, but it used to consist of dividing the place into two teams and...
Roll call has been updated
Please use the following format for your first post, feel free to put an extra message underneath. Dates: May 5 - 22 Number in Group: 2...
May 2025 Boobs Cruise Dates are now open for bookings. We'll be running on the following dates Friday 2 May Monday 5 May Friday 9 May Monday 12...
May 2025 Boobs Cruises to Isla Mujeres For dates please see the 2nd post, for details of the day and how to book please read on. Our Boobs...
Still the same now
Yeah it's Pesos, so about $3.80 USD per night
Roll call has been updated.
I finally got around to compiling an officiall April roll call. All participants in this thread have been added in chronological order. I'll...
Please use the following format for your first post, feel free to put an extra message underneath. Dates: Apr 5 - 22 Number in Group: 2...
April 2025 Boobs Cruise Dates are now open for bookings. We'll be running on the following dates Friday 4 April Monday 7 April Friday 11 April...
April 2025 Boobs Cruises to Isla Mujeres For dates please see the 2nd post, for details of the day and how to book please read on. Our Boobs...
End of May I think. But it's nothing official, just a group of singles that co-ordinate to go at the same time, I'd guess no more than 50 on any...
Roll call has been updated. Please see the first post for everyone's dates
March 2025 Boobs Cruise Dates are now open for bookings. We'll be running on the following dates Monday 3 March Friday 7 March Monday 10 March...
March 2025 Boobs Cruises to Isla Mujeres For dates please see the 2nd post, for details of the day and how to book please read on. Our Boobs...
Thanks for taking the time to write your report, it's been a while since we had one. Glad you had a good time