Does anyone know what the actual official theme nights are for May? They have changed them on the website twice now and we bought our outfits...
We are newbies to Desire, TTR regulars, May 1st - 6th. Post your dates. Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new friends...Blondie...
Well, we were going to try out Hedo in May but our group was largely a no show so we are looking to book DRM, our first stay other than on a day...
So, Chinos asked me if I would share the story of how the Mother's Day gift bags came to be so here it is, from how the idea was hatched to all of...
One of our group was looking for Temptation pics this morning and came across this photo sharing site by following a few links. We know a couple...
Hey everyone, Chinos has a new fundraiser for Chinos Cause for Cancer and Aitana, the moms are making cookies that are available for a donation...
Holy shit, on a lark, I looked at airfare prices for Halloween and I went to I entered SFO to CUN on the 24th to the 2nd with...
We are putting this out there to see who is interested in going as a group to Isla and spending the day Golf Carting it around the island on May...
Hey all you Texas people, is anyone from CCC going to USGP MotoGP race at COTA in Austin this weekend?
They would be a blast to have at the resort. [ame="[media]"][media] They have a Facebook page too....
I saw this and had to share it with all of you. You will laugh and smile. [ame="[media]"][media]
There my be a few in this crowd that would find this interesting, or at least amusing.[ame="[media]"][media]
Does anyone know when Chinos' and Omars' birthdays are? It would be fun to do something for them for a change.
Who has been on the new boat and how was it?
Being a new premiere member and using our free week, what is a studio room and gold bracelet benefits? Blondie
This is a new game called Fucktionary. It looks like it might be more fun that Cards Against Humanity. F**ktionary: The board game for cunning...
Any CCC friends from SF that can give some advice on what to do for NYE. Room booked but not sure where to go to ring in the new year. Want...
We were watching Hit and Run and the scene with all of the geriatric swingers made us stop and wonder, what happens when we are too old for TTR?...
Well, here in the State of Jefferson (far northern California) summer persists. We had another 100 degree day today and more of the same is...
Yesterday we received Blondie's order from MS. We were totally excited to see how the suits look on her (totally awesome hot) when we discovered...