Had a really early flight from Toronto, 6:20 AM direct to cancun with Sunwing Airlines. Everything is always organized by them top notch, bus...
Unfortunately my better half Sarah can't make it with me :(... Flight is at 6:15 am, staying at the Maho Beach & casino resort right by princess...
Great site with quality images of the Hotel itself, amenities, beach, pools, rooms, etc. Temptation Resort Spa Cancun Photos, Hotel Zone,...
Do you guys approve? Ordered these two for Sarah just now.. One white one gold [img] [img] Tonight shes getting 1: [img] 2:front [img] back...
[media] Found it online hope you guys like it... :)
So we are thinking of spicing it up & bringing a strap-on on our trip and seeing what happens ... better to have it then regret not taking it...
Since we haven't been before what kind of store(s) are at the resort? Kind of figure.. (as we are assuming there is not)... a store that...
Hey everyone! We are from Canada, new to the forum/the resort. We are in our mid/late 20's. Posted one picture so far as display / album cover,...