Long Honest Review: Temptation June 11-20 (4th trip, 1st trip after hotel renovations, married couple early 30’s). We booked during the November...
Just wondering if there was any interest. We would need room sponsors who would have a shot and decorate room for visitors and then someone to...
I have heard the beach at TTR has gotten better in the last few years? Any truth to this/ any recent photos? I am looking to take some photos -...
Hey guys we are returning in June with a referral. I am wondering what type of drinks do you drink throughout the day/ night to keep that best...
Oops wrong forum!
Hi everyone!! Our vacation in Mexico finally ended and can now sit down and write about our 10 days at TTR. This was our second time going...
Hey guys!! We arrive at TTR on June 8th after noonish. If I recall, last year you had to go to sea food restaurant to make reservations around...
Hey guys - June is just around the corner and we are getting super excited for TTR! :musik026: This is just a fun poll to get your mind thinking...
Just wondering if any of you ever put something on the outsides of your doors related to CCC to let others know where your room is? I can recall...
Based on an earlier poll I posted, June 13th 2013 had the most interest for a toy exchange. A toy exchange involves buying a gift usually no...
Okay so many of us buy little numbers to wear to TTR .... and I mean little that we could not wear outside. So when the little packages arrive...
Hello Looking to explore the Isla with some fellow June Junkers this year. Have not explored the Isla alone before. For those who have been...
Just wondering who the new staff members on the cruise are? For those who have gone on the cruise with the new staff - how did it go?
Hi guys!! Can't believe we are so close to June!! This year we want to explore Isla Mujeres on our own one day during our stay. (To take the...
Hi guys! We are really excited to return to TTR in June! While we are there I would like to explore the area a little more without paying...
So I was just reading in one of the threads that Patyo's has been closing their bar at 2am and no alcohol has been been served past 2am. I think...
Hey guys - haven't seen much talk about people still wearing orange bracelets (any kind as long as its something orange on your wrist) to let...
Hi June Junkers! We were part of a toy exhange last year at TTR. Couples signed up to bring a toy or other sex related items(ex: sex games,...
So TTR has their 2013 calendar of events Events Calendar ::: Temptation Resort Spa Cancun We are going in June and will be there for their...
Hello all!! My question is in regards to airfare. We do not fly much so I do not know if from here till June I should expect any sales or prices...