Well respectfully Steve ... I dont believe I fell for anything. I know exactly what they are and used the wrong terminology in calling their...
So Mrs Partyometer, if we go, you will be forced to sit on my lap all trip since you won't have a chair.
Yep we received emails from the April takeover group about how they will have special group mixers, their own section of the ship reserved on deck...
I have been several times but had to look it up :) Maybe not always in sound mind when going. google maps says 15 mins but also there is some...
We have been to Harrys a few times. Highly recommend. Normally I have trouble justifying leaving an all inclusive to pay for a meal but the steak...
I can see it going down like this... FakeNews snaps a pic of Mike’s schlong at Bash. Someone (me) tells security they are offended by the picture....
Sorry Len but that isn’t accurate and @Partyometer i believe can back me up on this. The price 2/18 and prior was reduced to 17something for that...
Very true. It has been a bit since we did a 7 night trip. Decided 3-4 is more our sweet spot. So this 5 night trip has me nervous... by the...
I admit I am a little jealous as there are way more mid and late April visitors on ccc. Most of the early ccc people are on the takeover social...
Well this took quite a turn. Mrs Partyometer tends to do that. I guess the thread is titled 'April Debauchery'. Can we get back to talking about...
The larger takeover is April 2-7 and then there is another group there mid April that is large but it isn’t a takeover per say...meaning I don’t...
Don’t pull me into your little spat :) Clearly I don’t feel strongly one way or another. I just want a chair to sit in so I can lie down, enjoy...
Yeah that was the classic example of people misreading someone due to an online post, jumping to conclusions and attack attack attack.
I keep hearing that the first week of April is THE week of April. I don’t know. I just read it on the interned and well the interweb don’t lie. We...
I think you may have it backwards actually :) I had a fee and interview for my global entry and to be sure I wasn’t mistaken I reread the rules.....
As were we :) Wonder what happened to the OP Les. They were ttr and ccc diehards but haven’t seen them in a few years.
That really was one of the best threads ever. I think that one ranks #1 for me. A shame it was locked down so it can’t keep popping to the top :(
I do wonder how many people figured out the acronym?
Well not surprisingly it started as Pitbull. :( But then after we coerced them into submission with the camera clicking and single guy pinching...
Well technically there is no reason to ask to see something when you are already grabbing it at the bar, right? Touché